Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Coperhead!!! I kiled it after my litle brother steped on it", there was a picture too... But I decided not to post that. :)  -Jonny... Otherwise known as (Cousin) Gwynndon. First he told me not to tell his name... And then he said it was okay. So I'm doing both :) 
 "Yuck that's awful! Where was it?"  - Yours Truly
"It was in d woods bhind the house." -Gwynndon
"I thought you southerners were trained to watch for snakes, not step on em!" - Yours Truly
"Southeners aint traind 4 spotin snakes. It jus comes natural after a few close cals like that." -Gwynndon

Don't you just love that last line? :)


  1. Copperhead is generally spelled with two 'p's. I like the story! ~GB

  2. I copy and pasted it straight from what he sent. So it's his fault :)

  3. Okay, I just have a hard time accepting misspelled words, especially when they can be attributed to sloppiness.... I didn't mean anything by that, I just had to say it!


  4. and i was about to make the same comment gabe :), though maybe about the grammar

  5. that I can comment...I tried before...I am with you Gabe on the misspelling...and I have tried and tried, studied spelling words over n over with those boys!!!...but don't know what to do... some folks just don't have the 'gift'! But personally I do think they could do better than they do. They say its 'texting'! BTW Francis...Gwynndon has 3 'n's in it! :-)
