Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Love Summer

Like I just said, I love summer. Especially, breezy, sunny, glorious, summer days like yesterday and today.
 Yesterday I got a humongous amount of work done, I'm really rather pleased with myself. And today I spent/am spending, they day doing the finish up work.
 Yesterday we cleaned CC, a huge lodge that takes between 5 and 7 hours to clean. So I was gone from 9 till 2:30, then I came home and dived into redoing/cleaning my room. I sanded my desk and painted the top. Some fine day I'm going to sand the paint back off the top and varnish the whole thing...
And I did some touch up painting in my room, and made new curtains, and did all sorts of odds and ends, moving my fish downstairs for the summer, ect.
 Today I found 7 lil' wooden picture frames at Salvation Army just like I've been dreaming about ever since I got my own room. And I just ordered pictures through walgreens... I do not, I repeat, DO NOT, like walmarts photo ordering website, my poor brain is too little for it! I also found three doilies there, at Salvation Army I mean... You should have seen us walking out of that place! :) Mom had whole bunch of stuff and Amy got something and then I had my arm load of things... I love thrift stores! :)
  I always talk about starting a coffee shop, and on days like today I think about all the fun ways a person could decorate... Today it would be bright, sunshiny, bouquets of flowers on the tables and polka dotted dishes and square drinking glasses... The drinking glasses are always square in my coffee shoppe, don't ask me why, they just are. My only problem with any of the planning is the fact that I can not, at all, figure out the name of the place. And as long as the place does not have a name, it is nonexistent. Sorry folks, no iced coffee today.
Actually I did have an iced coffee today, of sorts, we stopped at MacDonalds for ice cream and I got myself and Mom Caramel Frappe's, I don't think coffee can ever get better than a caramel frappe!!! 
 I think I'm going to talk my family into taking a walk tonight, and I think that it shall be down towards the lake because my lilacs are wilting and the only place I can find to get more is on somebodies deserted (or at least it looks deserted most of the time) property. Summer simply isn't summer with out a bouquet of lilacs on the table and a honeysuckle bush in bloom outside of the window.
  And speaking of honeysuckle bushes, I'm going to go pick a bouquet for my room. It's been asking for one, quite loudly, ever since I hung my new curtains.
 Have lovely weekend! -Francis


  1. Frank's Free Frappes!!! Does that work? You can charge for the napkins or something. vOnly you can't go to Brazil if you start a coffee shop, because we need it here, not there. And have like cheesecakes and stuff too.

  2. ...square glasses... square plates... square cheesecake... square tables... square cloth napkins... and square parking spaces? When ever you do find a name becomes existent, let me know: I'd be glad to help ya out!

  3. You could come study at the great coffee shops here in Chiang Mai! And I've actually had McD's Caramel frappes....ew. You need to go to the Motto Coffee shop near the Bridge, or Wawee Coffee to really know what you are talking about :-)

    PS: Change your blog theme, please. Thanks

  4. Okay Dru, I shall come try your coffee shops, can't wait :) And yet again, I shall go look for a different blog theme... Mom just informed me that I need to do that too. I get it how I like it, and nobody else does. Can't win for losin'.

  5. I like the new theme much better. -Amy
