Monday, June 6, 2011

At Grandmas

Abbey called me last week and wondered if I would want to go with she and Hannah and Susan down to Grandmas this weekend... And of course I did. So we left Friday afternoon, and got back last night.
  And since I am really not in the mood to write, I'll put some pictures on now, and perhaps post about the weekend later.

And here is a link to some Senior Pictures I had Abbey take for me on the way home... While we waited for the car to cool down... Which is another story.


  1. I like the pics--thanks. And, I like the new layout MUCH better! :-)

  2. That was very much fun! :-) Could I get the rest of the pictures please?

  3. yeah, I'll make a cd or something... or what? how do you want 'em?

  4. I can just get them from you Sunday if it works for you.
