Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yes, I do blond things too!

The other evening we had the bathroom scale sitting on the floor in the dining room, next to the two bags of chicken that I was supposed to take down to the freezer.
I picked up the meat, then noticed the scale there.
"I wonder how much I gained after eating supper" I thought to myself.
We had just eaten Amy's birthday supper and I had been "starving". So I hopped onto the scale.
"Whiz"... It stopped... Far beyond my usual weight (ha!see you are not going to find out what I weigh!).
"What on earth!" I thought to myself. "How does a person gain that much weight in two days?".
The morning before I had stepped on the scale and discovered that I had lost 5 pounds.Wow! And now I weighed THAT! Suddenly I realized that I was holding a bag in both hands, full, not empty bags, full of frozen chicken. As you can guess my family thought it was extremely funny.
But then, I cant blame them... How many girls stand on the scale in the dining room with a bag of frozen chicken in each hand laughing uproariously? -Frances