Tuesday, August 24, 2010


"The season between spring and autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox, and in the Southern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox."

I've been thinking lately about the difference in little girl summers, and teenage summers.
Last summer was long, much more lazy than this summer, and refreshing enough to be ready for schoolwork when it came time again in September.
This summer came in with a roar.
I started Drivers Ed. in June expecting to have my permit in a month and get all my driving time in this summer, I realize now what a blessing it was that it did not work out that way. If I'd have gone in and got my permit when I wanted to, there is no way I would have gotten all my driving and drive times in. How could I have?
My last day of drivers ed. was pure torture, I knew that Dru and Lisl and Jube were sitting in the living room at home and I had not seen them in a year, I'd never seen Jube.
So after a hurried goodbye to Emma, a girl I'd met in drivers ed, and promises to get together during the summer(I've seen her once since then), I headed home... And tore into the house to say hi... I have not stopped hurrying around since, well not till this week anyways. I told Mom the other day when I'd had to stay home from work because of the flue that this was my first day at home not having to do something since drivers ed.... And it was true, I'd not had one single day all summer long.
Dot and I were talking one day a month or so ago and she said something about wondering if it was the Devil trying to distract us from the important things. I'd wondered the same thing at the time but looking back on my summer I realize the important things were what kept me busy. Spending time with the family going camping, going to Colorado, Melinda's wedding, a family reunion, and so on and so forth.
My uncle Tim wrote a song called "Million Dollar Life", talking about how he would not trade the things he has done and places he has been for a million dollars. Well I've had a million dollar summer. Sure looking back on it I still cant quite decide if it was the worst or the best summer I've had, but there were so many memories made that for some reason God wanted fit into my 16'th summer that I still would not trade it for millions.
Amy and Brad have both asked me in the last couple of weeks,"Why aren't you ever home anymore? You're always at work or something". Well now hopefully I can not "always be at work".
I cant say that I'm looking forward to school yet, I still am trying to catch my breath from summer time, and knowing that all the time I spent gone this summer is going to be traded for sitting at my desk trying to cram a year and a half's worth of school work (that mom keeps adding to, she got an Economics book in the mail the other day and handed it to me, when I said " I thought I was doing Consumer Math!", she said "you are!", doesn't help much but if I'm going to graduate next spring, that's just the way things are going to have to be!
So yes, I'm glad summers over, no, I'm not looking forward to school.
But praise the Lord I'm me!!! Have a great Autumn! -Frank

1 comment:

  1. It does seem as though this summer has been exceptionally busy! But yeah, I'v enjoyed it too.
    I'm glad you are you too :)
