Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life is Good :)

I've been realizing again in the last couple weeks that life is GOOD. :)
Its summer time, my family is all alive and well. NBCC is going good. Gonna see Gabes in a "couple few" weeks and go camping. I made a new friend at drivers ed. The piano recital is over and I can stop having nightmares about it, it was silly having nightmares about it, the piano was so out of tune even I could not tell when I was making a mistake, let alone the old people! I've got plenty to do this summer: a tea party to plan, a camping trip to go on. Drivers ed to finish up and a permit to get. Cleaning jobs to do. A trip to Colorado. And just in general "people to talk to and places to go"! Also it is really, really nice to have Charity back from Colorado for a month or so here. I rode down to Kara's graduation with the Troyers yesterday. We did some shopping in Rice Lake including shoes for Charity and I, we were walking out to the front to meet up with the others and Tim caught sight of Charity's dress shoes for Melinda's wedding, "You're going to play volleyball in those!!!" :) We assured him that she wasn't! :)
Had a really really good time down there. Kara did not even look scared when she talked... No fare! It was really good to see all those peoples again.
We headed back to Troyer's place at 10:15 or so. After nearly hitting a raccoon and seeing if we could "coast all the way to the stop sign" we got back at midnight or so, Charity and I stayed up talking till around three. And slept till 11:00, its been a long time since I slept that late, but I guess its been a long time since I talked that late too.
And now I need to get back to work, I've got a lawn to mow, a room to clean and the "office" to clean. TTFN!!!!!!!! -Frank


  1. You are going to Colorado? Did I hear correctly? Hmmm... The things I learn by reading blogs...

  2. I'm sorry Jenny... I thought you knew, I'm flying back with Charity after the wedding and spending a few days with her.

  3. Anyway, the things I hear! Actually, I'm glad you can go. Sounds like life is going your way right now. Have a wonderful summer. Enjoy your age and freedom. Love ya!
