Our last few days have been busy with moving a 70 something year old man out of the house we bought from him.
After waiting a week past the time he was supposed to be out, we finally went to him and offered a trailer, and man power. And last evening when I showed up with supper and realized how slowly the process was going because of his inability to pack boxes quickly, I offered to help him pack.
This has been stretching for me.
I've spent the last six months planning and processing and preparing for the work that goes into taking a never-cleaned-in-ten-years house, and creating a clean and pretty home out of it. It's been an exciting time for me, full of Pinterest board ideals, and journal list reality.
And then to be pushed off, and off, even by a few days at a time, has been good for my Christianity
Today Josh and Brad took the day off and the three of us moved an incredible mountain of boxes (of seemingly trash), to a storage unit. I am convinced that the only reason we were able to accomplish so much today was because of friends and family praying for us. God is faithful.
I found three dead mice and layers upon layers of mouse poop. I found tin cans. I found gospel CDs of music, I found filthy movies, I found koolaid and I found squash. It was amazing. Mostly though, I think I found a lonely old man who needs Jesus. Pray for Mr.G.
Tomorrow morning Josh and Brad are planning to take part of the day off and help him finish moving out of the house. I plan to go in, in the afternoon, and begin the colossal chore of cleaning the bathroom.
Also tomorrow Anne Hazel turns one year old. I'm amazed. How can this be? But I'm happy too. Life moves forward at a cheerful rate for us right now.
My mom and sister are coming by Thursday afternoon to help begin painting. I'm so excited to have them helping with this project!
Hoping to post pictures of our new home sometime in the near future.
God bless! - Mrs. Cross
A Mechanic's Wife
"Life is a journey, not a destination."
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Home Incredibly Dirty Home
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Home Is Where The Heart Is
We got home from a trip, a glorious trip, full of lovely family times. A trip that was two weeks long. A trip that had me FRANTIC to be home in my own house, with no one but my tiny family.
I'm not a people person. Traveling I can handle, I love the rare chances that Josh and I get to take an eighteen wheeler and head to far away places. But people, please give people to me in small amounts, with deep conversations happening only within my comfort zone.
We landed on our own doorstep on Monday evening. And I've been reveling in the wonderfulness of quiet and peace and my own thoughts.
My own thoughts have been rotating around the absolute safety and happiness of being home. Blessedly home. Where coloring happens in my two lovely new books. Music happens at my own volume. And baby one on one happens to my heart's content.
And then Anne came down with a cold, and was up too many times to count last night.
And today was a constant struggle to keep back tears over small things. We left the baby with my mother in law at six thirty and headed to Lincoln to do my mountain of grocery shopping. And try to find clothes to fit post baby me.
And it was a nightmare. And I cried. Kara Graber I looked up Matthew West because of something you put on Instagram and found Strong Enough.
Pieces fell together.
Home is where the heart is, literally.
202 B Street isn't going to magically keep my heart safe, or my emotions, or my baby, or anything. Because there are humans there. Humans who get colds. And humans who struggle with their self image. And humans who struggle to be happy when their supper is late.
This is when I'm glad that I don't have to be strong enough.
And that HE is. And that my heart is home in Heaven.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Discovering An App
Aunt Amy showed me this the other day. With the news that its not hard to blog from your phone. I'm glad. I've missed this.
I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on the last year of my life on here. Mostly, I'm after a place to put pictures. So feel free to check in if you're one of the people in my life who cares about seeing us.
Anne Hazel is growing like a weed. She's seven months old and is catching on to holding her bottle. Sitting up like a pro. And eats pumpkin like it's going out of style. She's discovering that she can slide across the floor, but has no clue how to side forwards, so she gets herself stuck on chairs and table legs, etc. I laugh, while she whines at me to rescue her. Poor kid. :)
Jenny's baby is six weeks younger, and they're just starting up catch on that the other wiggling thing over there, can communicate. It's fun to watch. :)
Josh made me a snowman last week. It lives on my kitchen windowsill, and makes me happy in my heart.
And Christmas happens this week.
We're headed to Wisconsin tomorrow, and on to Indiana in a week. Happy times ahead.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Life Is Full Of Swift Transition
Friday, July 25, 2014
202 B Street/Home Sweet Home
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I found the little red pickup on top of Josh's gun case at his folks place and told him, "I want that!". He gave it to me. :D |
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Isn't it the cutest thing? |
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Josh told me about this dining room windowsill while we were dating, I've been having fun looking at it and dreaming about what to do with it. For now it looks like this. |
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My dad hung our light fixture for us while he was here. It makes me happy in my heart. |
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This is part of the fun of living in a hundred-year-old house, a built in bookshelf in my dining room. This is one of the happy spots in my house. |
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My view when I do dishes. Lisl, the card there is the one you gave for our wedding. It's gorgeous.
Roses and mint tea in a crystal candle holder make me happy too.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
The Neighbors Think We're Insane

Mom got home while I was still in the process of building her. Oops. I finished rapidly and jumped down before she managed to get out there with the camera. Thank goodness!!!