Monday, September 9, 2013

In Between

I was talking to this guy yesterday (ahem). And he told me to stop stressing about finding work to fill in until school time. I told him I wasn't stressed, I was just feeling frantic about it! 
 I don't think it works much to feel frantic (or stressed) about anything. I've actually pretty firmly decided it doesn't. Because here I am, sitting at my desk, writing a blog post, at noon, on a Monday. Weird huh!?
 I woke up this morning with dreams of making these cool little flower thingys everybody is seeing on pinterest, you know the ones I mean. Lace and burlap and pearly buttons, that kind. Guess what!? My dearest darling youngest sister used up all but one glue stick making some for herself the other day. How very sad.
 So I shall go practice piano for a while, or read a book, or write an email *smiles quietly to herself*, or maybe go make that picture frame I've been trying to talk Brad into making, or sew. Or SOMETHING!!!!!!! I need work to do. A month is muchly-much-muchly too long to not have work. Have a glorious Monday everyone. Because I'm surely enjoying mine! (I am too, truly, life is marvelous). 
 I'm going to go plan supper... Maybe, a mug of tea and a good book sounds lovely. God is good to me!!!  -Frank


  1. Stands and with this blog posting effectively puts head in noose and hangs herself. Aha! The mother has spoken. Come down sweetie from that desk and make us a nice supper complete with decorated table and lit candles, NOW!

  2. And when you're done there, you can come on over and make supper for me.
