Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Time

We're reveling in the gloriousness of summer time here right now. Lots of sunshine and roses and cut grass and garden work and water play.

 I've been listening to this song over and over lately, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite in the whole wide world.

 I went on a walk yesterday just before church, and trespassed down the tower lane to see what it was like back there, lots of mowed grass and lovely places to go read... And on the way out I noticed the blackberries growing on tree's, the silly plants out here dont know that those things grow on blackberry brambles in the middle of the woods!!!!! :) :) :) (they were mulberries, you know, like the ones in And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, that kind). I'm going to take my basket and go pick a while bunch of them one of these days.

 I need to get going, they are trying to close up shop for the day in here. I'm off to find food for a tin foil supper at Matt's tonight.

 Life is Amazing!!!

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