Saturday, October 30, 2010

Of choppy posts and run-on sentences and bad punctuation.

I was reading over my last post the other day and it makes me feel a little sheepish... The way I put it together was rather sad, I don't think that anyone who read it would guess that I've done more than one writing course in the last few years. Why? Because I made myself sit down and write.
 My sister Amy enjoys drawing, when she feels like it. It's utterly impossible to get her to draw you a picture when she is not in the mood, and if you can convince her to try it looks awful when she is done. She simply can't draw a good picture when sat down and told to.
 Thats how I am when it comes to writing. If I force myself to sit down and write, when I'm done it looks choppy and has bad punctuation... And I'm in no mood to edit it so I hit the "Publish Post" and poof there's your new post. Like that last one.
The other two starts I talked about were both rather good:
 Hello from Wisconsin. I spent the majority of October in Nebraska helping Jenny repaint her kitchen and helping my aunt Amy after Matthias Jaymes arrived.  I keep trying to decide what all to post... The story about deer shining, the one about the "one suspender people", the one about David Burkey, or the one about... or... all of them!?  Okay, I'll tell all of them if that's what you really want.  But are you sure? It could take a while. Okay, well if you are positive...

 Once upon a time there was a girl... We'll call her Gertrude, no I wont tell you how she got her name because that is a different story, but it has something to do with a train game, and maybe a Holstein cow.   And this girl decided to go out to Nebraska to visit her friends and relations, but mostly the relations part. So she woke up one fine morning and after zipping her backpack closed and making sure that her wallet and phone were in her purse she headed out for the airport, in the passenger seat, beside her Mom, because Gertrude did not have her drivers license, no I will not tell you why she does not have her drivers license because that is a different story, but it has something to do with a silly drivers ed. program.  After going through security in the airport and sitting at her gate for a while, no it was not a farm, I don't know why they call it a gate, she boarded her plane, no I don't remember who she sat beside, when she told me the story she said that she can only remember who she sat beside on the second plane, this is still the first plane part, now stop interrupting!
After she arrived in Milwaukee she went and sat at another gate. 
 See it's better than the other one isn't it? It's in story form, not letter form, and I started it one day when I was in the mood, it's the raw thing, no editing, and I do realize that it needs some, but it's still better than that other thing.
 Another one of my problems is that I like run-on sentences. I know, shocking, but its true. Something about them seems so, um... comfortable. Like being told to eat the whole lemon meringue pie. The only problem is that when you are done and think back over it, or look back over it, you feel rather uncomfortable.
 So thats  my confession, about knowing that the last post was rather sad. Now for another confession: I'm NOT going to rewrite it. Why? Because I'm not in the mood! And as I've run out of inspiration for this post as well, I shall stop before it starts looking like the last one! -Frank


  1. Yes, Frank, that is much better. Thank-you. :)

  2. Well but I still want to hear the stories! What's the one suspender one? And you should write the one about, "Francis, can you go sit over dare?" And so next time don't run out of steam so early! :)

  3. It's the same with me when it comes to writing! The problem is, is that I'm rarely inspired, and then when I am, I either don't have time or else nowhere to write. (and I'm not even a good writer when I am inspired... oh well...) :P
    Your stories sound very interesting! So as soon as you feel inspired, please bring them on! :)

  4. This was such a good start. I am still curious like Amy mentioned. Writers should not be allowed to get people curious and then not write the rest. Besides, what goes on in your head that makes you think in those terms? Your ability to write two things at once (do you call that overlapping meanings?) has my attention. So write on!

  5. I can identify with liking run on sentences since they're so nice in that they can simply jump from subject to subject without ever a pause for any sort of punctuation(I mean who needs punctuation when you have the word "and") and you can get so much said in one even though people can't read them out loud without several pauses for breath and I don't know what to use for punctuation at the end of this sentence so I guess I'll use them all!?. See? :) ~GB
