Monday, March 3, 2014

Tea and Monsters

Remember, back in 2012, when I gave you a list of my phobias? I left one out at that point.
 Monsters. You know, the kind that live under your bed and crawl out after dark and stand there looking at you, and then s.l.o.w.l.y reach out and take you by the throat with their cold hands? That kind. And they're about the size and shape of a St. Bernard dog. And neon purple or green.
And my husband to be thinks they're very funny. Until I start sounding slightly freaked. Or threaten him with one of his phobias (Because he does have a couple himself. Thank goodness!). The problem is that his do kinda have a better basis than mine. I mean, his ARE possible. Sorta, like, One in a Bazillion. But still, there's that one chance. Bummer.
 I'm pretty sure that monsters are worse when a person has a cold though. I'm not sure why, they just are. I mean, they're so much more possible. How do you YOU know that they aren't there? Have you ever SEEN one? No? Well then, how can you prove they aren't!!!??? (Yes, I realize my logic is slightly twisted. But still!)
  Josh got to work this morning and was dramatically informing me that he NEEDED coffee. His texts didn't come in until his coffee was done so I wasn't able to sympathize properly. Instead I added my own whine. Winding it up with the fact that I was going to go make tea. Tea is important when you have a cold.
 Me: I'm gonna go make myself some tea.
 Him: Ok. Tea is a hug in disguise....or something. :) :) :) :) (He was looking over my shoulder at pinterest.)
 Me: A hug in a cup.
 Him: Oh ya. :) :)
 Me: I just dumped ginger and cinnamon and sugar and cayenne and lemon into a cup with water and its in the mic. I bet if it don't kill it'll cure. :) :)
 Him: It should do something........
 Me: Its good. :)
I haven't heard from him since.
 Sometimes I wonder if he ever secretly worries I'll feed him cats toenails and spider webs when he's sick with the stomach flu. (Don't worry dear. I'll feed you burned toast and ginger!!!) I still remember the look on his face when one of my siblings decided it was time he knew that I'm a bit of a "greeny". He came to me later and asked me quietly, "are you really.... like that???". With a calmly confused/curious look. I said: "Remember that time when you were here on your first visit. We were driving down that back road and you threw the candy wrapper out the window?". "Yes". "I was VERY horrified.". "Oh".
He still holds to the idea (notice I did not say "fact") that it disintegrated in the first rain storm. This has been our only unresolvable argument so far. Well, that and the monsters...


  1. oh, yes! those monsters are there . . . try reading a scary book into the wee hours of the night/morning then knowing you have to get out of bed to shut the light off. This happened to me ages ago. My crew ask me, "what scary book was that?" and laugh like hyenas when I tell them the name of the book. =)

  2. The name of the book is Tisha . . . I probably hadn't read very many scary stories at that point in time. The same thing happened to me when I read Jane Eyre, too. These books aren't scary the whole way through, of course. Just in spots.

    1. I've read both, and very much understand why you thought they were at one point! :D
