* Kids Club went good last night... I didn't even bother to count how many kids came somewhere between 10 and 20 :)
* I was talking to Amy last night, moaning, and she looked at me and said in a no-duh voice " You'll Live.".
This is what I wrote up about it this morning:
I was talking to Amy the other night about life and she told me in a very flat, no duh, voice: "You'll Live".
How many of you have ever been running frantically around on the ceiling and suddenly somebody looked up at you and said "you'll live", it's a rather startling thought! You land with a thud on the floor. Both feet planted firmly under you and a big sign right in front of you that says "Get on with Life!". And you suddenly discover that since you do have feet, and they are both on the ground, you don't really have any excuse for not walking. Except maybe soaring back up to the ceiling, and you don't really feel like doing that anymore. You think that perhaps that would make you look, and feel, slightly silly after what you were just told about yourself.
* I've been dreading my summer lately, its full of cleaning jobs, and that's about it. Last night and today were good for me, made me realize that I might as well make lemonade with my lemons.
Mom was listening to The King's Singers today and one of the songs was about living for each day, not for the past or the future, and I realized how much growing I have to do in that area. The other thing I keep realizing is that there are an awful lot of girls out there that have much worse problems than mine. I keep trying to tell myself that that is a comforting thought, it never quite works :) I mean, my problems are still there, and they are still problems, even if other people do have worse ones... I never was very good at talking myself into something! :)
* Got my dress finished to day. WOO HOO!!! Now I have two more to go. :P I think that if there is anything in the world that I dislike doing it's sewing. I always end up praying my way through the last couple hours of it "please let this seam work this time, please to make me have to take it out again. It would help allot if I could get my pattern right.
* I was in the kitchen today making myself some lunch when Amy and Brad came into the house with hands full of Dandelion greens "yes you will try one, I know what I'm doing, they're good!"- Amy
"I might, dunno though, they look disgusting..."-Brad in a very dubious voice.
Amy proceeded to bread them and fry them up in butter. (Someone, ahem, walked into the kitchen at this point and informed her that they look just like the pictures of fried rat, they did too!).
When I went into the kitchen about ten minutes later I found them both gulping water, Amy with a slightly annoyed, somewhat sheepish, look on her face. And Brad with a rather shocked look on his face. "I did too get some dandelion!"-Brad "No you did not! Did you taste something kinda soggy n stringy? THAT is the dandelion part!". -Amy
I'm afraid I was guilty of laughing at them. :)
*Susan just walked in the door and its 10:40... I really should be going to bed.
*Okay it's today now, or rather it's not last night anymore.
*I just discovered a humongous bag of cheese curds in the fridge!!!
*I finished my math book about fifteen minutes ago... That means that I never have to do another math lesson. :)
I distinctly remember thinking in second grade that ten more years of school was ALLOT of school left!!! Like forevers worth! I wonder if my next ten years will go as quickly? They'll go faster I spose.
* We were looking up train songs last night and Dad found Josh Turners Long Black Train song. I love watching the look on Dads face when he listens to a song he hasn't heard before, or hasn't heard in a long time... He almost looks upset he's listening so hard... And if anybody tries to talk they get shushed. He has a hard time understanding the words on a song unless the words are spoken very clearly. He was sitting there trying with all his might to understand the guy... So I told him to get a utube that had the lyrics with it... Which he did.
Meanwhile Mom was sitting on the other side of the room listening to The King's Singers I'm A Train.
It really was funny, the difference between the two... Look them up and listen to them and you'll get what I mean. :)
* I'm supposed to be baking something... Or at least doing something