Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Discovering An App

Aunt Amy showed me this the other day. With the news that its not hard to blog from your phone. I'm glad. I've missed this.
I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on the last year of my life on here. Mostly, I'm after a place to put pictures. So feel free to check in if you're one of the people in my life who cares about seeing us.
Anne Hazel is growing like a weed. She's seven months old and is catching on to holding her bottle. Sitting up like a pro. And eats pumpkin like it's going out of style. She's discovering that she can slide across the floor, but has no clue how to side forwards, so she gets herself stuck on chairs and table legs, etc. I laugh, while she whines at me to rescue her. Poor kid. :) 

Jenny's baby is six weeks younger, and they're just starting up catch on that the other wiggling thing over there, can communicate. It's fun to watch. :)

Josh made me a snowman last week. It lives on my kitchen windowsill, and makes me happy in my heart.
And Christmas happens this week.
We're headed to Wisconsin tomorrow, and on to Indiana in a week. Happy times ahead.
Merry Christmas!


  1. On goodness look at those pippi braids. And I'm glad you're back to blogging!
